
Warren Averett LLC is ranked among the top 30 CPA firms in the United States and as the 4th largest CPA firm in the Southeast. Warren Averett operates 14 office locations across Alabama, Florida and Georgia with over 800 employees.

Warren Averett is seeking an entry level associate to join our team as below;


Location: Montgomery, AL, Auburn, AL, or Atlanta, GA

Start date: September 2015


• Bachelor/Master of Accountancy or Business Administration
• Effective communication and time management skills
• Bilingual in English and Korean
• Willing to travel frequently


• Conduct audit and tax engagements for a variety of clients
• Perform assigned tasks under supervisor’s instruction
• Communicate and interact with members, managers, supervisors, and clients
• Demonstrate high ethical standards


Open positions: 2 Associates


Home Page:


Please email a resume to

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