
주한미국상공회의소 Training Program

2016.06.08 08:46

관리자 조회 수:3683

모집 기한은 6 19일 일요일까지이며다음의 서류를 영문으로 준비하여 로 접수하시면 됩니다.

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Training Program 관련 문의 사항은 로 보내주십시오.

열정적이고 역량 있는 귀교 학생들의 많은 참여와 관심 바랍니다.


Training Opportunity

at the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM Korea), Korea’s largest foreign business organization

AMCHAM Korea is now accepting trainees for the

Communications Department

(from July 1 to September 30, 2016)

The Communications Department builds and maintains AMCHAM’s relationship with the media and general public in Korea through the website, social media, and publications of the Chamber.

Key Responsibilities

§Write and edit articles for AMCHAM publications including the quarterly Journal
§Write, translate, and distribute press materials including press releases for major events
§Manage the Chamber’s website and social media
§Manage and update the press list and media database (photos, recordings, videos, etc.)


§University students or recent graduates who are able to work full-time five days a week
§Strong writing and grammar as well as speaking skills in both English and Korean
§Proficiency in managing social media, the Web, etc.
§Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
§Strong organization and time management skills and the ability to work efficiently with attention to detail under tight deadlines
§Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator and/or journalistic experience are a plus

Trainee Benefits

§Gain practical experience in publication and public relations in an international business environment
§Get directly involved in writing, editing and pitching ideas for an official business journal 
§Attend AMCHAM meetings featuring prominent guest speakers in public and private sectors
§Lunch and transportation costs are covered

How to Apply

§Contact for inquiries. 
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