
[Genmega, Inc.] 채용공고

2016.07.11 19:18

관리자 조회 수:3951

Company Name

Genmega, Inc.

Country of H.Q.



Address(H.Q.): 30587 Huntwood Ave. Hayward, CA94544

Contact(Name/Title/Email): Heeyoung Kwon/ HR manager at KOTRA Silicon Valley




Business Category: ATM and Kiosk manufacturing and distribution.


Brief Company Introduction (Established year, Revenue, Workforce, etc.)

Genmega has been a leader in the development of financial solutions for over 10 years.  Ranking number one as a module vendor in the Korean ATM and Kiosk industry since the early 2000s, Genmega expanded its business in the US as an OEM ATM and kiosk manufacturer in 2007.  Since then Genmega has invested time and money working directly with customers and solutions providers to develop the best products representing the needs of the market.  With facilities in Seoul Korea, Hayward, Dallas, Chicago and New Jersey, Genmega has continually expanded to meet those needs on many different levels.

We usher in 2016 with a full line of customizable kiosks and financial products to meet the markets needs.  With full vertical integration, from design, to manufacturing, to distribution and support, Genmega looks to continue its expansion into the financial kiosk and retail ATM industry.

Headquartered in Hayward, CA, Genmega also operates its own R&D center and manufacturing facilities in Korea to provide customers with proven quality and lower overall cost.  In addition, with distribution facilities in Dallas, Chicago and New Jersey, Genmega can provide timely distribution and support for an increasingly demanding market.


Vacant Positions & Number of Openings:

 General staff for operating (1-2 Positions)

Work Experience: 1-2 years


Educational Preferences:



Foreign Language Skills (Specify the language and the level of the languages required)

Fluent in both Korean and English


Detailed Job Descriptions  

General sales and marketing support.

Warehousing/Inventory planning support.

Technical / Engineering background preferred.

* Full time

* 업무 평가 취업비자 지원 검토

* 문의 이력서 전달은 보내주시기 바랍니다.

* 이력서를 이메일로 보낼 , 반드시 이메일 제목에 회사이름(Genmega) 기재해서 보내주시기 바랍니다.




Heeyoung Kwon

Manager, K MOVE

KOTRA Silicon Valley


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