
NSA is Coming to California! | | NSA logo | Where Intelligence Goes to Work
The National Security Agency is Looking for West Coast Top Talent 

WHAT: An invitation-only event for students to chat first-hand with NSA employees. Students can learn about the mission and variety of career opportunities, ask their most pressing questions, and even score an interview for the following day! All majors are welcome to apply – focus is on STEM, Data Analysis, Foreign Language Analysis and Business.

WHEN & WHERE: Two separate evenings:
  • Monday, Nov. 12 – Orange County, CA
  • Thursday, Nov. 15 – Silicon Valley, CA
HOW TO APPLY: For a chance to attend, students should email by Oct. 19 with:
  • A resume
  • Preferred networking evening location
  • A 200-word blurb explaining their interest in NSA
NSA will contact selected students directly with event details! 

WHAT: NSA hiring managers are venturing from D.C. to California to interview the West Coast's brightest! On-site interviews will be held for Computer Science, Engineering, Math, Foreign Language (Chinese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Farsi), and Businessopportunities. Upon a successful interview, students may even walk away with a conditional job offer from NSA!

WHEN & WHERE: Two separate days:
  • Tuesday, Nov. 13 – Orange County, CA
  • Friday, Nov. 16 – Silicon Valley, CA
HOW TO LAND AN INTERVIEW: Apply online at by Oct. 19 to the "Regional Hiring Showcase California" job posting (Job ID 30001085)

NSA will contact selected students directly with event details! 

NOTE: Students are encouraged to apply for both the Networking Evenings and the Interview Days! The application processes do not impact one another.
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