
KSEA 장학금 신청 공고

2019.02.04 22:55

관리자 조회 수:2861

Dear KSEA members,

KSEA is pleased to announce the 2019 KSEA Undergraduate and KSEA-KUSCO Graduate Scholarships program. Multiple scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students majoring in science, medicine, engineering, or related fields will be awarded in 2019. The scholarships recognize outstanding students of Korean heritage who are excellent in academics as well as in service to the community and have the potential to become future leaders of society. 

There are two scholarship categories this year; 

1. KSEA Scholarships for Undergraduate Students in the US. (20 awards, $1,000 per each) 

2. KSEA-KUSCO Scholarships for Graduate Students in the US. (20 awards, $1,500 per each)

The scholarship online application has opened on February 4, 2019. 

All application materials for the 2019 Scholarship should be received by March 31, 2019, 5:00 PM (ET) Please visit the KSEA Scholarship website at for more details of the 2019 Scholarships program including the online application process.

Any questions not mentioned in the 2019 Scholarship website can be addressed to KSEA HQ at or the KSEA Scholarship Committee Chair, Dr. Byungwhi Kong at Thank you. K. Stephen Suh, President of KSEA Byungwhi Kong, Scholarship Committee Chair

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