


주뉴욕총영사관과 HRCap (에이치알캡) 공동으로 미국취업 성공을 위한  “미국취업 실전 가이드북 (Road to Employment in the United States)”  발간하게 되어서 기쁜 마음으로 미국취업에 관심있는 개인기관단체  기업들에게 소개코자 소식 전합니다.


첨부한 2019 미국취업 가이드북은 글로벌 일자리 창출 노력의 일환으로 미국 현지취업을 적극적으로 도와드리기 위해서 취업을 준비하는 유학생  구직자들에게 취업에 대한 지식과 취업 노하우를 제공하고취업의 세부 단계별 사전준비  고려사항에 대한 정보를 제공해 주어 취업을 준비하는 과정에서 실제 가이드 역할을  것입니다.  특별히 취업준비  취업실전에 실제 도움을 드리기 위해서 취업시장 채용전문가들의 글로벌 채용경험과 인사이트취업 프로세스별 요점정리실제 성공사례 노하우  비법등이 녹아 들어가 있습니다.


150 페이지의 .영문 단행본으로 제작하였으며배포대상은 취업 준비생들로서미국대학 재학 유학생미국 유학 준비생한인 구직자한국정부 산하기관 단체  대학기관 그리고 구인.구직기관등 미국취업에 관심있는 모든 분들입니다.


 가이드북을 취업준비  취업실전 가이드  도우미로 적극 활용하셔서 구직자들에게는 취업성공 로드맵의 나침반으로 삼아 취업성공 개인스토리를 만드는데구인기업.단체에는 준비된 맞춤형 우수인재를 채용할  있는 교본으로 삼는데 적극 사용하시기를 권장합니다.


첨부파일은 가이드북 디지털 파일이며쉽게 프린트해서 사용할  있도록 하였습니다또한 원본 가이드북이 필요하시거나 문의사항이 있으시면 언제든지 아래로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.  [ 연락처,  HRCap 미국본사 (솔로몬전 과장, 201-567-1500), 에이치알캡 한국지사 (김정민차장, 02-2183-8900) ]


또한 가이드북 디지털 파일을 다운받아 보고 싶으시면아래 링크로 가시면 됩니다.


끝으로 그동안 보여주신 관심과 성원에 부응하도록 변함없이 성심을 다하겠으며특별히  가이드북 책자발간을 함께 기획하고 책자완성에 노력하신 대한민국 뉴욕총영사관 관계자분들께도 진심으로 감사의 말씀을 드립니다.  감사합니다.


HRCap (에이치알캡드림



Greetings University of California Davis.


The “Road to Employment in the United States” Guidebook has been published earlier this year through a joint partnership between Consulate General of the Republic of Korea and HRCap. This guidebook contains contents that will be beneficial for all job seekers, specifically those in the U.S.


Please kindly share the information below and the digital copy of the guidebook within your association, institution, or community. Our goal is for the guidebook to reach all international students, recent graduates, and career change seekers alike, across the country.


If you would like an actual hard copy of the guidebook, please contact and visit us at our HQ or Korea office.


Thank you.






We are happy to announce that through a joint partnership with the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea, HRCap has published the “Road to Employment in the United States” Guidebook. This guidebook contains contents that will be beneficial for all job seekers, specifically those in the U.S.


The attached “Road to Employment in the United States” guidebook will act as a step-by-step guide to the complete employment process, from preparation and resume building to interviews and job offer negotiations. The guidebook has been designed to assist not only Korean international students, but any recent graduate, job seeker or career change seeker looking for guidelines and meaningful insights on the employment process.


The easy to read 150 page guidebook contains both an English and Korean translation of the employment process. It is an accumulation of recruiting insights, real-life case studies, and HR expertise of our industry leading recruiters and advisors.


We advise all readers to reference the guidebook throughout their job search and career transition process.


The attached digital copy of the “Road to Employment in the United States” guidebook can be printed, for your convenience.

If you have any related questions regarding the guidebook, you can contact the following:



HRCap HQ:               Solomon Chun (, 201-567-1500)

HRCap Korea:           Jungmin Kim (, 02-2183-8900)


You can also go to the following link to download the digital copy of the guidebook as well.


Once again, we thank everyone for the ongoing interest and support. We will continue to deliver meaningful content to our clients and community. We especially thank the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea for their partnership in the planning and publication of this guidebook.


Thank you.



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