
The Korean American Coalition is pleased to announce the 37th National College Leadership Conference (NCLC). Every year, KAC brings together Korean American college students from across the nation to meet with accomplished Korean American leaders and established professionals from a variety of fields.

NCLC is the perfect place to get inspired by professionals from fields like government, finance, non-profit, art, technology, law, and entertainment. NCLC's wide range of speakers offers access to information about an extensive variety of careers and ideas for what to do post-grad. For students who have already decided on a career path, NCLC provides opportunities to network with and learn from established professionals in their field of interest. 

NCLC also offers connection. Attendees learn about and discuss Korean American issues, identity, and history--all of which unite and connect attendees and speakers. Come meet fellow Korean Americans from all over the country, with their diversity and unique (but likely familiar) experiences. You'll learn more than you think. Wonder what we mean? See what NCLC 2016 had to say here.

Attending NCLC is a requirement for taking part in KAC's Summer College Internship Program, which you can apply to here, but you can choose to attend NCLC without applying for SCIP. The internship program builds on NCLC by connecting students with 8-week internships (4 days a week) in Los Angeles and providing community advocacy training (1 day a week). To learn more, visit our website.

Make sure to apply before June 1 to take advantage of this opportunity to meet established professionals from a variety of fields, learn essential leadership skills, and get to know your accomplished Korean American peers from all over the US.

2017 National College Leadership Conference Details
DateMonday through Friday, June 19 - June 23, 2017
Location: University of Redlands, 
1200 E. Colton Ave, Redlands, CA 92374 
Cost: The conference cost is $395, which includes room and board. Financial aid is available for students who qualify
How to Apply: Submit the completed online application by June 1, 2017. Consideration of applications and phone interviews will take place on a rolling basis. 

Questions? Email or call 213-365-5999.

Korean American Coalition, 3727 W 6th Street, Suite 305, Los Angeles, CA 90020
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