
Translater 통역사 일

2017.11.18 14:26

Compassionate 조회 수:2930


통역회사에서  정부의  In-home service 신청자에 대한 Hearing 과정에 2시간의 통역사가 필요하다고 합니다.

오늘 월요일 오후 1시에 한다는데  하실수 있는 분이 있으시면 다음에 연락을하시길 바랍니다.

Hi Greg,

This is Diana R from Hanna Interpreting Services. Thank you for taking my call and willing to help me. The appointment is on Monday 11/20/17 at 1 PM in Woodland, CA for an Administrative hearing. The person that needs interpretation is applying for in home support services and needs a Korean speaker to assist. I hope someone you know is interested in interpreting. Have a good day! 

Diana Rivera
Direct Line (619)930-9038 
Human Resources Recruiter 


Hanna Interpreting Services LLC
Office:   (619) 741-0000
Fax:      (619) 741-0017


This message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged material. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the original message.

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