
NGL 신입사원 채용

2021.05.27 10:11

관리자 조회 수:4750

안녕하세요. Global Recruiting Firm, HRCap 에서 근무중인 David Kim입니다.

현재 Full Logistics 전문 Provider 회사에서 신입사원 인재분들 모집하고 있습니다. 

NGL Transportation - 2006년에 설립되었고 주 고객은 US mainstream market인 Amazon, Costco,
Walmart, Apple, Marcy’s, Conair등으로 매년 30~40% 빠르게 성장하고 있는 비젼있는 회사입니다.
밑에 3군대 Location에서 각각 오픈포지션 공유드립니다.
- Phoenix, AZ: Accounting/Dispatching/Operation/Safety
- Los Angeles, CA: Dispatching/Operation/Machine Engineer
- Atlanta, GA: Operation

곧 졸업 예정이시거나, 이제막 졸업하신 OPT 분들! Full Time으로 일하셨던 경험이 없더라도 열정
좋으신분들!! 지원 부탁드립니다. (H1B Spon 가능, 추후 영주권까지 고려 가능합니다)

관심 있으신분들 으로 이력서 제출해주시면 이틀 안으로 확인후 바로
연락드려 자세한 정보 및 설명 드리겠습니다.

밑에 간단한 회사정보 및 포지션Job Description 입니다.

- NGL Transportation is a full logistics services provider that has been in business since 2006. It is
now assisting Global Companies who need freight forwarding, warehousing/distribution,
drayage/trucking and special project services.

 Logical problem-solving skills
 Must have intermediate computer skills (Microsoft Suite, Excel, and Word)
 Excellent communication and listening skills as well as legible handwriting
 Ability to cultivate and maintain strong relationships with customers and
 Ability to handle pressure, take direction, handle different task assignments,
and meet deadlines
1. Accounting Assistant – Phoenix, AZ
 Prepares asset, liability, and capital account entries by compiling and analyzing
account information.
 Documents financial transactions by entering account information.
 Recommends financial actions by analyzing accounting options.
 Conduct AR collection and AP management including chassis charges and per
 Summarizes current financial status by collecting information; preparing balance
sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports.
 Substantiates financial transactions by auditing documents.
 Maintains accounting controls by preparing and recommending policies and
 Guides accounting clerical staff by coordinating activities and answering
 Reconciles financial discrepancies by collecting and analyzing account
 Secures financial information by completing data base backups.
 Maintains financial security by following internal controls.
 Prepares payments by verifying documentation and requesting disbursements.
 Answers accounting procedure questions by researching and interpreting
accounting policy and regulations.
 Prepares special financial reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing
account information and trends.
 Maintains customer confidence and protects operations by keeping financial
information confidential.
 Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
2. Dispatching Assistant – Phoenix, AZ / Los Angeles, CA

 Assist to dispatch drivers to pick up and deliver LTL/FTL at terminal/consignee
based on the request
 Contact customers to communicate the load capacity to secure the match back
haul as necessary
 Monitor and resolve the issue with delivery failure, Detention charge and ELD
 Conduct data Entry and system update (delivery orders, work orders, and order
 Keep track of port availabilities (confirming containers are clear and available for
 Create schedules and cooperate to dispatch for both Intermodal and Over the
 Update the system for scheduling, payment, and invoicing for every load
 Monitor driver status, equipment condition and M&R activity to prevent any issues
 Understand and navigate through all web-based system reports showing cleared
statuses and ready for pick up
 Manage the required documents for driver, equipment, and load history for audit

3. Operation Assistant – Phoenix, AZ / Los Angeles, CA / Atlanta, GA
 Support logistics operations including customer service, yard management and
 Input and update orders and schedules in the web systems to manage pick-ups
and deliveries via phone, Email and systems in a courteous and timely manner
 Be a focal point of contact for appointment setup and shipment status
communication with clients
 Upload the Bill of Ladings, Delivery Receipts, permits and other documents into
the system
 Communicate Client needs to the appropriate internal team with supporting
problem solving process
 Create professional relationship with every customer
4. Safety Assistant – Phoenix, AZ
 Monitoring compliance with the Hour of Service (HOS), Inspections Report
 Monitoring, Training and Coaching Driver/Vehicle and Mechanics
 Company Safety Policies and Procedures
 Conduct roadside inspections passing through DOT weigh Station and
 Handling DOT complaints under Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
 Providing proper documentation and Reporting to the proper agencies and
departments about accidents and injuries, cooperating with Division Managers

 Providing the documents for IFTA, Registration Renewal, Highway Tax, and so
 Providing the procedure and assistance with post-accident and post-injury to
avoid the situation
 Monitoring and Reporting Fuel use to cost down
 Ensuring compliance with OSHA regulations.
5. Maintenance & Repair Assistant – Los Angeles, CA
 Inspect facilities and its equipment such as trucks, chassis, top handler, yard
spotter, and tools in shops periodically to determine problems and necessary
 Prepare weekly maintenance schedules and allocate work
 Recruit and supervise maintenance technicians; diesel mechanic, chassis
mechanic, tire technician, and maintenance crew
 Contribute to the development of maintenance budget and ensure compliance
 Monitor inventory of equipment including containers and trailer vans
 Ensure adherence to quality standards and health and safety regulations
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