
Berkeley Law School will open its new Korea Law Center with an inaugural conference on April 18, 2014.  
Justice Chang Soo Yang of the Supreme Court of Korea and Justice Jinsung Lee of the Constitutional Court of Korea will deliver welcoming remarks. 
Panels will feature the general counsels of U.S. and Korean high-technology companies, professors from top Korean law schools, and leading attorneys in U.S. and Korean law firms that focus on trade and investment between the two nations.

For more information, please see the attached flyer or click here.  
The event is free and open to the public. To register, please go to

Celebrating the Establishment of
the Berkeley Korea Law Center

Date: April 18, 2014
Venue: Chevron Auditorium, International House, UC Berkeley

Click Here for more information on the Conference
Berkeley Law certifies that this activity has been approved for 7 hours MCLE credit by the State Bar of California.


Justice Chang Soo Yang, Supreme Court of Korea

Justice Jinsung Lee, Constitutional Court of Korea
Dong-man Han, Consul General, Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
Won Kyou Ryou, Partner, Lee & Ko, President of the Berkeley Club of Korea
Kenneth Korea, Vice President & Head of US IP Center (Silicon Valley), Samsung Electronics 
Lee Cheng, Chief Legal Officer, Corporate Secretary, SVP,
Duane Valz, Senior Patent Counsel, Google
Hongsun Yoon, Senior Intellectual Property Counsel, LG Electronics
Sang Jo Jong, Dean and Professor, Seoul National University, School of Law 
Daikwon Choi, Seoul National University, School of Law
Hongsik Cho, Seoul National University, School of Law
Kuk Cho, Seoul National University, School of Law
Jibong Lim, Sogang University Law School
Jaewan Park, Hanyang University School of Law
Sangwon Lee, Seoul National University, School of Law
Chang Rok Woo, Chairman, Yulchon
Belinda Lee, Latham & Watkins
Catharina Min, Office Managing Partner, Reed Smith

The Korea Law Center aims to be a research hub for a robust exchange of ideas, theories and best practices in the fields of law, government, and businesses, bringing together scholars, judges, officials, and lawyers to deepen mutual understanding of both societies. The new center will hold public conferences and offer new courses and research on South Korea.  The Center will address the development of the Korean legal, constitutional, and political systems. Related research will focus on the role of courts in protecting individual rights, the regulation of public health and safety, and the ability of independent agencies to control economic growth. The Center will also examine the Dokdo Islands dispute between Korea and Japan and reunification of North and South Korea.

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