
"Ygnite 2015"
Orlando, FL Jan. 23-25, 2015
The 11th annual national Korean-American Young Generation Technical and Leadership Conference is calling for applications.

Free 3 Nights Lodging, Meals, and Travel Support to Orlando included in Registration Fee!

Come to this once-a-year extravaganza with: 
* inspiring Korean-American CEO and R&D speakers, 
* opportunity to present your research or leadership experiences,
* excellent career development workshops, 
* unparalleled speed-networking sessions, and 
* a chance to broaden your horizons with fellow participants from about half the states in the US!

* Demonstrated interest in issues related to 1.5 and 2nd generation Korean-American scientists and engineers.
* Professionals, academics, and students (professional/graduate or undergraduate junior/senior) in their 30s and 20s.
* Demonstrated leadership experience and/or academic excellence.

APPLICATIONS accepted until Oct. 31, 2014. To apply and for more information visit:

For general inquiries, please contact us at

Don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime!
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