
2018 'Hanwha Travel Grant Award Program'

2018.07.17 01:22

관리자 조회 수:2374


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한화에서는 글로벌 해외 R&D 우수인재 유치를 위해 많은 노력을 기울이고 있으며,

2017년부터는 AIChE Annual Meeting에 참석하는 재미 한인학생/포스닥을 대상으로

'Hanwha Travel Grant Award Program'을 주관하여 실시하고 있습니다.


2018년도 제 2회 'Hanwha Travel Grant Award Program'

한화토탈과 한화케미칼에서 공동 주관하여 진행하고자 합니다.


이에 미국 주요대학의 한인학생회에 도움을 요청드리오니,

많은분들이 본 공지문을 보고 지원할 수 있도록

한인학생회 홈페이지 등을 통한 공지 부탁드립니다.


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필요한 사항이나 궁금하신 점은 언제든지 연락주시기 바랍니다.





김정주 드림  





2018 Hanwha Travel Award Program


Award Administrator: Hanwha Chemical Corporation (HCC) & Hanwha Total Petrochemical (HTC)

Award: HCC & HTC provides individual awards up to $1,000 to be utilized towards travel (hotel, airfare, meals and incidentals) and registration fees.

Eligibility: Korean Graduate student/Post-doc. studying in USA

Preferred Research Areas

- Chemical engineering process(Reaction engineering, modeling, simulation, etc.)

Catalysts(Synthesis, kinetic, deactivation, etc.)

- Polymerization(Various kinds of polymerization method, etc.)

- Analytical Chemistry, Organic synthesis, Calculation Chemistry, Macromolecular

  simulation/engineering, etc.

Presentation: The awards are presented at the KIChE-US Chapter Open Forum 
            (October 31, 2018, Place and time will be announced at a later date)  

Instructions: Please send all application materials by e-mail:

Materials must include:

- Application form (below)

- A copy of an abstract submitted to the annual meeting

- Applicant’s CV

Deadline: August 24, 2018(Announcement of winners is scheduled for early October, 2018)



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