
AfterCollege Scholarship Deadline: June 30th

2018.06.04 19:06

관리자 조회 수:1585

AfterCollege Student Scholarships

AfterCollege scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate professionalism and a passion for their future careers. This means that we evaluate applicants' profiles with the eye of a hiring manager.

You can learn How to Create a Ridiculously Good Looking AfterCollege Profile on our blog. Best of luck!


Next Deadline: June 30th
AfterCollege Succurro Scholarship

$500 - Open to currently enrolled students in an accredited program, working toward a degree (AA, AS, BA, BS, MA, MS, MFA, PhD, MD, JD, etc.) in any discipline. Minimum 2.5 GPA.

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AfterCollege Vocational & Trade Study Scholarship

$500 - Open to currently enrolled students working toward a certificate, diploma, associate's or bachelor's degree provided by a post-secondary institution such as a community college, career, vocational, or trade school. Fields of study may include (but are not limited to): IT, Web Development Programming, Business Management, Medical Assistant, Dental Assistant, Licensed Vocational Nurse, Nurse Assistant, Maintenance Technician, Maintenance Mechanic, Criminal Justice, Paralegal Studies. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

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How to Apply About AfterCollege
Step 1Read instructions completely
Step 2Click blue "Apply" button
Step 3Complete your AfterCollege profile
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